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Chapter 18 Zim's Plan to Destroy Earth IZMOD!



Chapter 18

Zim's Destroy the Earth Plan

Dib drove in his new car, it was really Zim's Camero. It was now white with a blue eyeball on the hood. Dib stepped out of the car. And took off two desert eagles with the water bullets. Zim was reading his book when the computer said "SIR THERE IS AN INTRUDER IN ENTRANCE 3A." Zim looked at his monitor and saw Dib with his earth weapons. "Ha!" Zim shouted "Our race is resistant to fire power." Then Zim thought and said "Wait, it's Dib," Zim then yelled ,COMPUTER ANALYZE HIS WEAPONS!"


Zim laughed and said "well played Dib but you will not be prepared for my plan." Dib walks in and sees a robot sitting on the lobby couch watching TV. Dib aimed his pistols at it but it only shushes you and goes back to watching TV. Dib was about to say something when is said "Hi my name is GIR, master doing something preettttyyy big down there on the 25 floor on the underground level. Through that door." GIR pointed to the door behind the clerks desk and Dib asked "It's booby trapped isn't it." GIR nodded and went back to watching the TV. Dib tapped the door lightly and saw it was cracked. He finally decided to run through it. When his body opened the door something hard and wet hit him. He opened his eyes and saw a puddle of water on a floor right next to a bucket. He had been played by the oldest prank in the book. GIR jumped, no launched off the couch and yelled "YOU FELL FOR IT WHOOO WHOOO WHOOO WHOO!" GIR did a victory dance until Dib shut the door closing out all the noise from him. He went into the elevator and told it to go to Zim's lab. "SIR! ELEVATOR SHAFT 5 IS HEADING DOWN TO YOUR LAB." Zim scowled and said "Shut it down!" Dib was listening to the elevator music when is shutdown and the lights turned off, the only source of light coming from outside the shaft.

Dib pushed the panel on the elevator's ceiling and climb on top of the elevator. He saw no ladder and decided to use the cables from under the elevator, he very, very carefully climbed down the side and got to the cables. Then he saw it, a red ladder. He was saved. He jumped from the cable to the ladder and began climbing down. He was climbing down when he saw it on the wall. A white painted number Floor 25, right near is was an air vent.

"Score one for the human race!" Dib thought as he began tying to get the panel off of it. "SIR! DIB HAS ESCAPED THE ELEVATOR AND IS OW IN THE ELEVATOR SHAFT WHAT SHOULD WE DO?" Zim scratched his chin and asked "Where is he near the elevator?" "UNDER IT SIR!" Zim gave a cocky smile and said "Drop the elevator!" The first thing Dib noticed was the red flashing light. He looked up and saw the flashing light was under the elevator. Then he heard a screech as it started to slowly go down. Dib's blood was rushing as he continued to pull at the air vents cover. The elevator increased in speed as the screeching stopped but the new sound of moaning metal as the elevator fell. Dib desperately pulled and pulled until it came off. Dib scrambled in as the elevator whizzed past him into the shock drives below it. "Is he dead?" Zim asked "YES SIR THERE ARE NO READINGS OF LIFE SIGNS IN THE SHAFT." Zim jumped to his feet and screamed "VICTORY! VICTORY FOR ZIM! Alright I better go get in the Voot Cruiser and activate my plan." Dib crawled through the air vents when he heard something above him. He looked up one opening and saw Zim walking.

"Alright computer I am downloading you into the Voot and soon will get GIR."a voice rang out that must be the computer "BUT SIR, YOU WILL NEED ME TO ACTIVATE THE CONTROLS ON THE ENGINES, HOW MIGHT I DO THAT IF I AM INSIDE THE VOOT AND HAVE NO CONTROL TO THE HOUSE?" Zim laughed and said "Dear, dear computer. I shall control the engines with this," Zim then held out a small remote. ", this shall activate the engines and make the world spin faster than the speed of light thus sending it back in time vaporizing the humans.

However it will take time to manually launch the Voot because you will have no control over the house." Dib then smiled "No control over the house, Zim must think I am dead! Perfect! After he initiates the download I attack him and break the remote! Perfect!" Zim plugged in a cord from the wall into the Voot and said "Computer initiate downloadable AI transfer into Voot Cruiser."

The computer said "DOWNLOADING PLEASE WAIT FOR RESULTS…." Zim tapped his foot in impatience then the voice came from the Voot "TRANSFER COMPLETE! AI UNIT NW TRANSFERED INTO VOOT CURISER ." "Finally!" Zim said impatient and then turned on his communicator and said "GIR where are you we are about to leave! GIR?"then Dib pushed up the cover for the air vent and yelled "ZIM!" Zim turned around and said "WHAT?" Dib smiled and said "You thought you killed me but you are wrong wrong wrong wrong! Wrong just like you were wrong to come to earth!" Zim gave his infamous cocky grin and said "Dib you waited for the download? Bravo Dib you deserve some applaud!" Zim began clapping and said "Well Dib, are you ready for your doom." Zim then takes out a black chip and inserts it into his back. Then his suit changed, his pink black striped uniform became black and white striped jump suit with the Irken symbol on the front. Then he took out two handles and pressed buttons on them. Then red wires or whips grew out of the handle. He slashed at Dib cutting into his arms. Dib howled in pain as he began bleeding, then Dib took out two dual wield

pistols and started firing at Zim. One hit Zim's and started burning him. Dib hid behind a computer before the water started to burn Zim. "Give up Dib! You might be spared," Dib peaked over the edge and saw Zim looking around for him. ",Gaz might even be a willing pleasure slave." Dib yelled in fury as he began shooting Zim. Zim turned around and slash! Dib was cut in the stomach and fell backwards. Zim also was shot many times in his chest causing him up most pain.

Then something small skid across the floor. Dib then realized that was the activation remote. Once Zim realized his remote was six feet away form him he dropped his whips and ran over to it. Dib was already to his feet as they both crashed into each other as they wrestled for the remote. Then Zim kicked Dib in the crotch and pushed him away. While Dib was cradling his balls Zim yelled in triumph holding the remote "VICTORY! VICTORY FOR ZIM! HA HA HA HA HA HA!" Zim ran up the stairs as the computer yelled from the Voot "ZIM ARE YOU ACTIVATING THE ENGINES WHILE ON EARTH, YOU MUST KNOW THAT IS SUICIDE." "Yes computer but my death would be for the salvation for the Irken empire!" Dib still in pain climb up the stairs to Zim but he was already in the elevator. Once the doors closed Dib went into the air vent and climbed into the lobby. He then realized he was right next to the elevator and hid behind one of the blind spots of the elevator doorway view. The two doors split apart and Zim walked out laughing. Then Dib pounced, Zim continued to laugh as he dodged and Dib flew face first into a wall. Zim laughs died out and with his cocky grin he said "Well Dib you impress me, you manage to keep your home planet form dying. You have impressed me. You have Irken gratitude. You are determined to save your planet as I am to please my Tallest, my leaders! For this Dib I salute you. But I am very curious." Dib looked at Zim and Zim looked back. Zim lost his cocky grin and asked "Why save a planet that has labeled you insane. You warned them, and they ignored you. Why save a planet that is fully capable of protecting itself but doesn't have common sense to care?" Dib looked at Zim and said "It doesn't work that way for me Zim. You see earth is my home, I fight for my home. My freedom. I fight for the place of birth. Without it I wouldn't exist."

There was a silence between the pair before Zim burst out laughing. "Foolish human," Zim began ", you fight for your people, not your home. You fight for your cause!" Dib replied "Earth IS my cause. It's not the best, but it's all I got." Zim chuckled as he walked into the lobby "Foolish humans." He said before he slipped on the water from the bucket GIR placed over the doorway. When Zim slipped he let go of the remote. It flew up into the air before landing on the hard floor breaking into a million pieces. "NNNNNNNNOOOOOOOO!" Zim yelled in defeat. He ran over to the broken pile and began picking up the pieces and trying to put them back together. Then Zim grimaced and shouted "RRRRR GIR! DISPOSE OF THE HUMAN!" GIR jumped off the couch and said "Yes Sir!" then GIR grabbed Dib and ran all the way to the roof. Dib said to GIR "Why is he mad at me? It's your water." GIR's eyes turned back to blue and said "I know don't tell master." Then he threw Dib into his apartment building through his open window. He tiredly went into his bathroom and bandaged his injuries. Then he went into his closet to get on new clothes. After that he closed his window and flopped on his bed. He was so tired. After he shut his eyes his bedroom door flung open. It was his dad. He said "Son, I got a call from school today saying you cut class, why is this?" Dib's eyes flung open and he groaned.

Zim was pacing back and forth thinking about what to say to the tallest. Then he saw his cell phone and looked at it. His text message said

"Movie starts at 7:00 it's 6:45 Zim, Gaz." Zim then took off his whip outfit and put on his earth disguise .He then rode in his new Camero other to the theaters. When he got there Gaz was there not in her usual outfit, but a stunning black latex pants and bra, and some black eyeliner. Zim then paid for the tickets(he really mind persuaded the ticket counter) then they walked inside. Zim took of his jacket and hung it on the coat rack. After they got food. The went inside to see Skyline. Zim was actually impressed with the way the movie had high quality animation. Gaz after the movie was finished. Gaz and Zim went outside to see Zim's car had been stolen. "Oh God. I am so sorry." Gaz said then Zim shook his head and said "No don't worry, don't worry." Then he pressed a button on his watch. Elsewhere a couple of thugs were having fun in Zim's Camero. There were strippers posing on and in the car, drug addict doing pot or coke in the car, and criminals marking graffiti on it's sides. Then a light in the car turned on and started to beep. "What's that?" one asked before the car blew up, completely burning all of them.

As Gaz and Zim walked down the sidewalk Gaz asked

"Zim do you like it here at our collage?"

"Um yes I like it."

"Good because I don't want you to leave."

"Why is that?"

"Well do you know about my reputation of fear?"


"Well when I assumed that position I felt like the queen of Hell. Kids who picked on me fell into a nightmare and never awake from it, I always get what I want, and I am always talked about. But soon one day, I realized that even the cruelest and evilest of people, can't stand to be alone."

Zim knew how she felt, one time he was trapped in a cargo ship that crashed down into a desert planet. He managed to survive but the others didn't. He was all alone inside the ship as he tried to survive. He was truly scared.

"I realized as a queen of darkness there must be a king, a emperor! Someone to rule by side but alas no one would take the position. But you Zim did talk to me when you knew my reputation. Almost like your an alien."

"Yeah alien huh."

As the walked through the park to shortcut to Gaz's house Zim said

"Look there is your house, I had a wonderful time tonight."

"Me too Zim, next time we will watch something more scary." Zim turned around and started to walk away when Gaz shouted


Zim turned around as Gaz came running to him and said

"Thank you for not turning me down on a movie."

Then Gaz got close breathing deeply as she wrapped her arms around Zim's neck. Then Zim felt something, it wasn't something his PAK was telling him to do. Zim's PAK was his life source.

It supported him, his body wouldn't be Zim if he wasn't wearing it. It would be lifeless but Zim's PAK wasn't telling him anything like this. It was completely instinct. Then he felt his hands touch her back then fall down to her bottom. He looked into her eyes, they didn't sparkle like the stars, they looked of fire. A fire of destruction, further into the fire he saw himself laughing above the flames as they licked the sides of the cliff. But there was someone else too. Then it hit him so suddenly, it was Gaz. She was laughing as the flames roared. Then an action took place between them. Zim and Gaz's lips met. Suddenly Zim felt very hot as if standing next to that fire in her eyes.

Then Zim's tongue slid into Gaz's mouth, wrapping itself around her tongue like a constrictor. Then they parted. As they looked at each other Zim disappeared into the woods.


A ship cloaked flew into earth's atmosphere and landed. In a abandoned parking lot. And out from it came a Irken with purple eyes and curled antenna. Tak gazed at the city before saying "Let's get started.


So that is it, end of 1 soon 2 will come next month and you will not believe what happens.

Beam me up

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